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Neste espaço divulgamos cultura sobre biomecânica, são diversos artigos de pesquisa publicados nacional e internacionalmente, disponibilizados aqui não somente para quem está inserido no mundo da biomecânica, mas também para quem tem curiosidade de aprender sobre esta área. A leitura de publicações importantes e recentes é uma ótima forma de estar constantemente atualizado no desenvolvimento e inovações da análise do movimento.

Literatura Essencial BTS OEP

Literatura Essencial BTS OEP

Journal of Applied Physiology. 114:1066-1075, 2013. The effect of posture on asynchronous chest wall movement in COPD Rita Priori, Andrea Aliverti, André L. Albuquerque, Marco Quaranta, Paul Albert, and Peter M. A. Calverley Abstract Chronic obstructive...

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Literatura Essencial BTS TEETHAN

Literatura Essencial BTS TEETHAN

Electromyographic indices, orofacial myofunctional status and temporomandibular disorders severity: A correlation study.De Felício C.M., Ferreira C.L., Medeiros A.P., Rodrigues Da Silva M.A., Tartaglia G.M., Sforza C.J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2012 Apr;22(2):266-72 Leia...

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Literatura Essencial BTS GAITLAB

Literatura Essencial BTS GAITLAB

Role of gait analysis in the process of clinical decision making concerning post-stroke patients. Castagna A., Rabuffetti M, Montesano A., Ferrarin A. Abstract Quantitative gait analysis is recognised to be the most effective analytical method to study and assess...

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Literatura Essencial BTS GAITLAB

Literatura Essencial BTS GAITLAB

Scientific Reports - Volume 8, Article number: 2300 (2018) Movement Strategies for Countermovement Jumping are Potentially Influenced by Elastic Energy Stored and Released from Tendons Logan Wade, Glen Lichtwark & Dominic James Farris Abstract The...

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Literatura Essencial BTS FREEWALK

Literatura Essencial BTS FREEWALK

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 1987 Nov;67(5):402-11 EMG profiles during normal human walking: stride-to-stride and inter-subject variability. Winter DA, Yack HJ. Abstract The EMG patterns for 16 muscles involved in human walking are...

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Literatura Essencial BTS FREEEMG

Literatura Essencial BTS FREEEMG

Muscle & Nerve - DOI 10.1002/mus.24081 Leg Muscle Function And Fatigue During Walking In Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 3 Jacqueline Montes, Sally Dunaway, Carol Ewing Garber, Claudia A. Chiriboga, Darryl C. De Vivo, And Ashwini K. Rao Abstract...

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Literatura Essencial Sensor Inercial

Literatura Essencial Sensor Inercial

Rev. int. cienc. Deporte n 30 v8, 334-356, 2012 Creation and Validation of Chronojump-Boscosystem: A Free Tool to Measure Vertical Jumps DE BLAS, X.; PADULLÉS, J. M.; LÓPEZ DEL AMO, J.L.; GUERRA-BALIC, M. Abstract Measuring the height of the vertical jump is an...

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Literatura Essencial Baropodômetro EPS R1

Literatura Essencial Baropodômetro EPS R1

BMC Geriatrics 2005, 5:8 doi:10.1186/1471-2318-5-8 Foot pressure distribution during walking in young and old adults Mary Josephine Hessert,Mitul Vyas, Jason Leach, Kun Hu, Lewis A Lipsitz, and Vera Novak Abstract Background: Measurement of foot pressure...

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