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Literatura Essencial BTS OEP

Literatura Essencial BTS OEP

Journal of Applied Physiology. 114:1066-1075, 2013. The effect of posture on asynchronous chest wall movement in COPD Rita Priori, Andrea Aliverti, André L. Albuquerque, Marco Quaranta, Paul Albert, and Peter M. A. Calverley Abstract Chronic obstructive pulmonary...
Literatura Essencial BTS TEETHAN

Literatura Essencial BTS TEETHAN

Electromyographic indices, orofacial myofunctional status and temporomandibular disorders severity: A correlation study.De Felício C.M., Ferreira C.L., Medeiros A.P., Rodrigues Da Silva M.A., Tartaglia G.M., Sforza C.J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2012 Apr;22(2):266-72 Leia...
Literatura Essencial BTS GAITLAB

Literatura Essencial BTS GAITLAB

Role of gait analysis in the process of clinical decision making concerning post-stroke patients. Castagna A., Rabuffetti M, Montesano A., Ferrarin A. Abstract Quantitative gait analysis is recognised to be the most effective analytical method to study and assess...
Literatura Essencial BTS GAITLAB

Literatura Essencial BTS GAITLAB

Scientific Reports – Volume 8, Article number: 2300 (2018) Movement Strategies for Countermovement Jumping are Potentially Influenced by Elastic Energy Stored and Released from Tendons Logan Wade, Glen Lichtwark & Dominic James Farris Abstract The preferred...
Literatura Essencial BTS FREEWALK

Literatura Essencial BTS FREEWALK

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 1987 Nov;67(5):402-11 EMG profiles during normal human walking: stride-to-stride and inter-subject variability. Winter DA, Yack HJ. Abstract The EMG patterns for 16 muscles involved in human walking are reported...
Literatura Essencial BTS FREEEMG

Literatura Essencial BTS FREEEMG

Muscle & Nerve – DOI 10.1002/mus.24081 Leg Muscle Function And Fatigue During Walking In Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 3 Jacqueline Montes, Sally Dunaway, Carol Ewing Garber, Claudia A. Chiriboga, Darryl C. De Vivo, And Ashwini K. Rao Abstract Introduction:...